What do doctors and researchers who use NeurOptimal® neurofeedback with their patients say?

Isabelle Filliozat, psychotherapist, France

Isabelle Filliozat is one of the most recognized psychotherapists in France. She has written over thirty books on psychology and parenting, several of which are bestsellers translated into 29 languages. In this conference (starting at minute 24:10), she recommends NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback and describes it as a ‘fabulous tool,’ ‘that allows the brain to heal,’ giving ‘amazing results for both children and parents.’ She mentions that it is ‘one of the 5 ways to repair your brain.’
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Corinne Fournier, cognitive science researcher, France
Corinne Fournier’s book presents the NeurOptimal® method and a series of impactful testimonials.
It explains how this approach ’enables access to the remarkable self-regulating abilities of the brain, offering surprising results: it identifies dysfunctions, informs the brain, and teaches it to self-repair. Neurofeedback uses a unique, effective protocol with no side effects, regardless of age or issue, and does not require a prior medical diagnosis. This book is aimed at individuals facing challenges and looking to improve their quality of life, as well as those interested in personal development, and athletes and artists who wish to maximize their potential.
It also highlights the potential benefits of the NeurOptimal® method for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), noting improvements in emotional regulation and cognitive skills, as well as a reduction in some symptoms associated with autism. This approach fosters the brain’s self-regulation, optimizing its performance and helping children with ASD adapt to their environment.
Dr. Lise DeLong, Cognitive Connections, Greenwood, Illinois

“I worked with a family… The girl was nine years old and had a fairly severe case of autism: she couldn’t speak, had terrible outbursts of anger, even hitting her mother and leaving her injured. They sent the girl to me, and we did intensive sessions for a month, usually twice a day. By the end, she was able to form five-word sentences, no longer had anger outbursts, was fully toilet-trained, and could watch and change her own videos. That was a huge change for this family! The girl’s behavior had improved dramatically; she slept through the night and was happy during the day. Her cognitive abilities changed drastically both at home and at school.”
Dr. Edward O’Malley, Ph.D. in Neurobiology, Director, Sleep Healthcare of Connecticut

“The use of NeurOptimal® has been a ‘life-changing’ process for me and the vast majority of my patients, friends, and family, in a subtle way, and sometimes hard to define in certain aspects, while in others, it is quite direct and obvious. My opinion, as a scientist and clinician, is as follows: this is the most powerful, sophisticated, advanced, and non-linear technology currently available for transformation.”
Dr. Curt Pinchuck, Clifton, New Jersey

“The first fun technique I have learned and used since my medical studies! […] An incredibly fast, enjoyable, and highly effective way to achieve an optimal state of form and function. The technique is indescribable with words; it must be experienced.”

Dr. Brian J. Kelly, Bridgeport, Connecticut
“I have been a psychotherapist for 40 years, and I have never seen people benefit from a therapeutic experience in the way they have with NeurOptimal®. It is both a source of humility for me and a very enriching experience.”

Dr. Jean-Pierre Ledru, psychiatrist, France
“This brain regulation method can provide so many benefits to so many people that it is urgent to make it known.”
Dr. Michel Meignant, psychotherapist, France

Excerpt from the documentary Happiness is in the Neurons by psychotherapist Michel Meignant (Le bonheur est dans les neurones).
Full version of the documentary in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeX_dZIVrS0
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Dr. Vincent J. Monastra, Director of the ADHD Clinic, New York

After a one-year study conducted with 100 children suffering from attention deficit disorder (ADD):
‘All those who participated in neurofeedback sessions were able to reduce their medication dosage by at least half while maintaining the benefits of their treatment. And around 40% were able to stop taking their medication completely.’”
Dr. Jack Woodward, Psychiatrist, North Carolina

“In 38 years of practice, I have never seen any treatment that produces the results achieved with neurofeedback… I have seen results reached in a few days or weeks that previously required months or even years using the best available techniques.”

Dr. Frank H. Duffy, Neurologist, Professor at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Brain Imaging Department at Boston Children’s Hospital
“The scientific literature […] suggests that neurofeedback should play an important role in many complex fields. In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such broad effectiveness, it would be universally accepted and widely used… This is a field that must be taken seriously by everyone.”
Dr. Jonathan Walker, Neurologist, United States

“Neurofeedback improves epilepsy, depression, lack of self-confidence, congenital brain injuries… Patients report sleeping better and feeling better, no longer having seizures, being better controlled, and performing better. It is effective for head injuries. It is effective for chronic neurological diseases without injury but with brain dysfunction. We have achieved good results with multiple sclerosis, toxic encephalopathy (for example, chemical poisoning that deteriorates neurological function), chronic pain, migraines, and fibromyalgia.”
Dr. Jamie Deckoff-Jones, Estados Unidos

“For chronic diseases such as epilepsy, depression, hyperactivity, eating disorders, brain injuries, and other conditions—i.e., the types of diseases against which conventional medicine does not particularly excel—neurofeedback is in many ways more useful than medications, and with many fewer side effects.”