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Discovery Session
40 Euros

Come and try a NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback session!

Valid for first-time clients only.


Session duration: 33 minutes

Appointment duration: 1 hour




If you arrive late, your session may be shortened.

- Canceling less than 48 hours in advance will result in the loss of the appointment.



1 session
60 Euros

1 session of Neurofeedback NeurOptimal®



Session duration: 33 minutes

Appointment duration: 1 hour




-If you arrive late, your session may be shortened.

- Canceling less than 48 hours in advance will result in the loss of the appointment.



10 sessions
500 Euros

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback 10-Session Package.


Available for use by any family member.





- If you arrive late, your session may be shortened.

- Canceling less than 48 hours in advance will result in the loss of the appointment.

- Package Validity: 12 months


20 sessions
900 Euros

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback 20-Session Package.


Available for use by any family member.





- If you arrive late, your session may be shortened.

- Canceling less than 48 hours in advance will result in the loss of the appointment.

- Package Validity: 12 months


System Rental

NeurOptimal® System Rental for Unlimited Use in the Comfort of Your Home or Office




- The rental includes everything you need to carry out the sessions:

  1. Initial appointment (in-person or via video conference) to explain how the system works.

  2. Availability to answer any questions.

  3. Consumables and accessories (conductive paste, headphones, etc.).

  4. Remote technical support if needed.


- Unlimited sessions: All family members can enjoy the system in the comfort of their home, reducing the cost per session and saving time on traffic and parking.

- This is the latest version of the NeurOptimal® system.

- A deposit of €3,500 is required, which will be refunded upon return of the system.

- The minimum rental period is 2 months for the first rental (a shorter period is unlikely to yield lasting results). No minimum rental period is required for future rentals.

- Shipping across Europe is available (shipping costs are the responsibility of the renter).


First appointment
80 Euros

Includes an initial consultation (in-person or via video conference) to assess the terrain + a second consultation to detail the personalized plan + up to 3 calls to address any questions.


Duration of the first session: as much time as needed, up to a maximum of 2 hours.


Follow-Up Appointments

50 Euros

A follow-up consultation (in-person or via video conference)

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