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The Principles of Functional Naturopathy


  • Focus on Underlying Causes: Functional Naturopathy focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of diseases, as lasting improvements can only be achieved by tackling these factors. 

Example: To function properly, the thyroid requires specific nutrients. Common deficiencies in the population, such as a lack of iodine or selenium, can impair its function and lead to issues like hypothyroidism.

Identificar deficiencias
controlar el equilibrio


  • Interaction Between the Different Body Systems:    Functional Naturopathy considers how the different body systems (digestive, hormonal, nervous, etc.) interact to understand the root cause of imbalances.    

Example: The hormonal system and the digestive system are closely interconnected. Chronic constipation can originate from hypothyroidism, as the thyroid influences intestinal motility.


  • Detailed Terrain Analysis: It involves a comprehensive analysis of the individual’s terrain using various tools, such as questionnaires and specialized tests when necessary, to identify dysfunctions at the cellular, metabolic, hormonal, or digestive levels, among others. In most cases, the causes of health imbalances are multifactorial. A detailed analysis helps uncover the various possible underlying causes.

Example: Returning to the case of chronic constipation, the root cause may be a combination of factors, such as hypothyroidism, a lack of fiber in the diet, dehydration, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and more. The goal of a comprehensive terrain analysis is to uncover the primary causes to address them effectively.

Estudiar metabolismo
Nutrientes y salud


  • Personalized Approach: Each person and each body are unique, and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. This is because the root cause of the problem varies from one individual to another, as does their terrain and lifestyle. Therefore, the protocol must be personalized to address the specific needs of each person.

Example: One person may suffer from insomnia due to excess cortisol, while for another, the root of the problem could be anxiety. In yet another case, the cause of insomnia might be related to gluten intake in a person with celiac disease. In these three cases, the root cause of the problem is different, so the approach cannot be the same for all three individuals.


  • Active Client Participation: It is essential for the client to take an active role in their improvement process because, unfortunately, there is no magic pill! Some changes will need to be implemented, and effort will be required. You will be the one driving, but I will be by your side as your co-pilot throughout the journey.

Analisis individual

I believe in the power of alternative therapies to transform lives, and I am here to support you every step of the way.


Let me be your guide on this journey toward a healthier and more balanced life!

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