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What do my clients say about NeurOptimal® neurofeedback?

Paul - 9 years old - ADHD and hypersensitivity - 17 sessions

Testimonial from his mother:


“Before, every night, when I asked him how his day went, he would say that it hadn’t gone well, that he didn’t want to go to school anymore, and he was always arguing with someone, with everything becoming exaggerated. Now, every night, when I ask how his day was, he responds: ‘It was great, really good, mom!’ He never answered like that before!


He has more self-confidence than before. He used to often say ‘I’m stupid.’ He no longer does that, or only very rarely.

I’m very happy with the neurofeedback sessions. He handles his emotions much better. There are far fewer outbursts than before, and if they do happen, they fade much quicker. (Before, a crisis could last the whole afternoon or even the whole day. Now, they last only a few minutes.) The frequency and intensity of his anger have decreased considerably.


I also notice a difference in his work. We argue less to get him to do his tasks. I no longer need to repeat several times, like before, for him to start working.


I’ve also noticed that he no longer writes numbers backwards!

His handwriting has also improved, and the psychologist contacted me to suggest spacing out the sessions because he no longer has as many things to tell her since he manages his emotions better."

Marie - 9 years old - Dyslexia and suspected ADHD - 22 sessions

Testimonial from her mother:

“Her attention and concentration at home have improved compared to before. It’s also easier to get her to start working now. The sessions have done her a lot of good; she’s much calmer, and I feel she’s happier. She is also much more cooperative at home (she offers her help spontaneously, something that never happened before). She is less demanding and more respectful (especially regarding food), and she’s also more generous!


Now, sometimes, it’s her who asks to do her homework! And since it’s easier to get her to work, we do a bit every night, and the progress is already noticeable.”


Testimonial from the child:

“I enjoy doing my homework more, and I also have better concentration when working. I feel good.”


Testimonial from the teacher:

“In class, she’s calmer, complains less, and is less impertinent than before.

Additionally, she’s progressing faster than at the beginning of the year.”

Sandra - 41 Years old - 14 sessions

“I feel a sense of well-being. I’m also more active. When something bothers me, I react immediately, I put a STOP right away. My husband also finds me calmer.”

Veronica - 36 years old - Emotions/Anxiety - 12 sessions

“Emotionally, it’s like night and day! I dwell on things less, and I can move on to something else more quickly. I manage my emotions much better. Also, I haven’t had an anxiety attack in a long time. I feel serene and calmer, I feel better, I feel good!”

Andrea - 40 years old - Anxiety attacks - 2-month system rental

“Neurofeedback has greatly changed my quality of life!


I used to suffer from very intense anxiety attacks that ruined my days and robbed me of sleep for years.


I rented a system for two months because I wasn’t keen on starting therapy with a psychologist (out of laziness, not wanting to speak at a fixed time set a week in advance, feeling that it would take too long to see results, and because it could last many years, making the cost very high).


Now I feel much more serene, lighter, carefree, like I’ve been freed from a weight. I no longer have anxiety attacks that disrupt my sleep!


The things that used to worry me no longer affect me so negatively.

I’m much less indecisive, much calmer, and less irritated by little things.

I also feel that my conflict management has improved, and most importantly, I overthink things less!

My breathing is better (it’s longer and calmer).

Interestingly, I also notice an effect on my bruxism. When I wake up in the morning, I can clearly feel the difference. My jaw is relaxed, whereas it used to be constantly tense.

In short, a clear improvement in my quality of life. I don’t regret the investment, and moreover, my entire family was able to benefit from the system during the rental.”

Suzanne - 8 years old - Enuresis - 2-month system rental

Testimonial from her mother:

“This is incredible: no more bedwetting, it’s over!” (After about 5 weeks of sessions. Before, the child wet the bed 2 to 3 times a week).


The system was rented for enuresis, but the mother also noticed the following changes:


“She focuses better, has gained self-confidence, and is more daring. Her attitude at home has changed; now she’s super sweet, as if she’s more mature.

Her teacher praised her and used her as an example of work in class in front of the other students. That had never happened before! She was so happy. Now, she puts a lot of effort into doing her homework (she didn’t before!). There has also been a notable improvement in her reading, and her handwriting is much more neat.


She is standing up for herself more with others, especially with two friends who weren’t always very kind to her… Now, she doesn’t let herself be pushed around so easily.”


Testimonial from her father:

The father has noticed the following: “Improved behavior at home, an impressive improvement in handwriting and reading speed. The effect on the bedwetting problem has been drastic. It’s no longer an issue at all, it’s a thing of the past, whereas before, it was a constant burden for everyone (stressful for her, and we spent our time washing sheets).”

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